Ali Cliffe
BA Hons, EYPS, PGCert
is a certified Theraplay Practitioner and trainer and an associate supervisor. Ali specialises in providing child and family Theraplay interventions with children 10 years old and under. Ali has completed an MA module in Attachment and Learning with Bath Spa University and a Postgraduate Certificate in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Wellbeing with Tavistock and Portman where she completed a dissertation on thinking psychoanalytically and systemically on a Theraplay intervention with an adoptive family. Ali is currently studying Infant Observation and Psychoanalytic Studies with the Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy. Ali has over 20 years of experience of working with children and families in a variety of capacities including child minding, respite care for disabled children, emergency foster care, home education for children on the autism spectrum, Flying Start practitioner and Theraplay practitioner. Currently Ali is employed by Bright Start Children’s Centres providing Theraplay interventions for children in their pre-school year who are at risk of not successfully managing the transition to school due to emotional and behavioural difficulties, attachment disruptions or experience of early trauma. Her role also includes running Peer Support Sessions and supervision to Theraplay-informed and Foundational Level practitioners. Ali works within schools and Early Years settings modeling Group Theraplay and Sunshine Circles as well as promoting the role of a Key Adult in supporting children who have experienced disrupted attachments and trauma. Ali can be contacted for peer support and supervision at [email protected]
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