Emily Barnbrook
Emily is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Certified Theraplay® Practitioner and is now completing the Supervisor’s and Trainer’s Practicum. Emily is also accredited in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy® and is engaged in the DDP consultant’s practicum. Emily is the clinical lead for a multi-agency team specializing in providing attachment focused therapeutic intervention for children who are looked after and adopted and their parents/carers and professional networks. Emily also works part time for The Family Place. Through this work Emily has been privileged to work with many fostering, adoptive and residential families who have taught her so much about the challenges of living with the impact of trauma. Emily is passionate about helping children develop healthy, loving attachment relationships. She was excited when she began using Theraplay and experienced how quickly this can engage both children and their parents/carers and powerfully strengthen their attachment bond. Prior to working with children and families, Emily pursued her interest in trauma working with adults who were experiencing psychosis and addiction. You can contact her [email protected].
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