Kate Lewer
B App Sci (Occupational Therapy), Grad Dip Ed,
Kate is a registered Mental Health Occupational Therapist and Expressive Therapist. Kate has worked in Mental Health for some 25 years. Kate was inspired after participating the first Theraplay® Trainings in Australia conducted by Phyllis Rubin in 2005. Kate incorporated Theraplay in her work immediately and commenced supervision with Dr. Phyllis Rubin. Since then, Kate has worked tirelessly promoting and hosting Theraplay trainings in Australia. Kate is passionate about supporting others to integrate Theraplay and embrace the road to certification to spread Theraplay in Australia. Kate currently works at Nexus Primary Health in Victoria, Australia as Theraplay coordinator at Nexus. Kate has extensive experience working in child and parent welfare/trauma and increasingly in bushfire affected families. Kate’s work is guided by deep principles of social justice and is committed to reconciliation with our First Nations People.
Kate is a Certified Theraplay Practitioner, Trainer, and Supervisor.
Kate welcomes your contact on [email protected]
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