Michelle Robison


is a Certified Theraplay Practitioner and Trainer and the Associate Director of Clinical Services at Chaddock, a multi-service agency providing a range of residential, educational, and community based services for youth, birth through age 21, and their families. Michelle is a member of the team that developed Chaddock’s innovative residential treatment program for adolescents with trauma and attachment based problems. She has presented on the topics of Attachment and Theraplay® at both local and national levels. Michelle is a co-contributor to the recently published book, “Creating Capacity for Attachment”. Michelle has 11 years of therapeutic experience, the last ten of which have been at Chaddock. Michelle has a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa and a Masters of Social Work Degree from California State University, Long Beach. Michelle is a wife and mother of three children. She is active in her church, loves to sing and to travel with her family.

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