Patti Sutherland
Patti is a private therapist in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has a Masters in Social Work and is a Certified Theraplay® Practitioner and Theraplay Supervisor-in-Training. She has been working in a therapeutic role with children and families for thirty years. Her experiences have included First Nations community agencies, the Child Welfare System and the School System. Her expertise lies in working with children who have experienced developmental trauma, and enhancing their felt-security with their primary caregiver. She is also a certified Play Therapist Supervisor with the Canadian Association of Child and Play Therapy. Patti is certified in both the individual and group model of Circle of Security and is a reliable coder for the Strange Situation protocol. Patti has completed level 1 and 2 training in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). She enjoys facilitating training within Canada for professionals regarding developmental trauma and how best to work with the children and families we are most worried about within our homes, schools, and communities.
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