Sue Bellamy
Sue has over 40 years of experience working with children and families in diverse settings and roles including as a foster carer for fifteen years. Sue has Qualifications in residential work, youth work, field social work, and practice teaching. She is Certified Theraplay® Practitioner having used Theraplay techniques in her daily practice since she received Level One Theraplay training 2003. Sue has received training in Best Evidence, Narrative Therapy, and DDP. She is also a certified trainer in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Family Care Providers. Sue recently retired after 15 years in a senior post from Wirral’s CAMHS Partnership Team, a specialist team which provides a mental health assessments and treatment plans to Children Looked After, Adopted, and Children on a Child Protection Plan. Sue is now working as an independent social worker and Theraplay Practitioner. She specializes in working with children who have experienced abuse, trauma and placement disruption. She is particularly interested in supporting children in transition, with the aim of enabling them gain stability while experiencing positive connections with their parents/carers. Sue at this present time is a Theraplay Supervisor-in-Training. You can contact Sue at [email protected].
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