Fiona Peacock
is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Certified Theraplay® Practitioner, Trainer and Supervisor. In the past she worked in a highly specialised CAMHS team for Looked After and Adopted children as well as working in Education settings. Now she has a private practice providing psychotherapy and Theraplay to children whose early experiences of attachments have been disrupted as well as consultation, supervision and training to other professionals in this field. She also provides generic schools counselling. She is a Teaching Associate at University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education teaching Psychotherapeutic Counselling for Children and Adolescents up to MEd level. She is a contribution author to McLaughlin & Holliday (2014) Therapy with Children and Young People and to two of the modules in the MindEd programme (https://www.minded.org.uk) and co author of Fostering Good Relationships (Richardson & Peacock 2016). Currently she is also studying for an EdD at Cambridge researching into the experience of Theraplay. Contact details: [email protected]
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