Julie McCann
BA (Hons), PGCE, MA (Play Therapy)
Julie McCann is a BAPT Play Therapist and Certified Theraplay® Practitioner based in south London where she works for the UK charity TACT and is attached to their London adoption team. The focus of her work is a BBC Children In Need funded project called ‘The Power of Play’ which supports adoptive families in the early stages of placement with Theraplay-based sessions and offers life story play therapy and long-term Theraplay interventions for children who have been with their adopters for some time. She also supervises therapy and counselling students from Roehampton University master’s programmes. Julie has been working closely with The Theraplay® Institute in the US to re-write the practicum documents for UK settings and is a member of the UK Theraplay Leadership Group. She uses her play therapy skills in private practice and in local community groups, working with children and their families to build stronger attachments and process feelings around trauma and loss associated with deprivation, immigration status, and temporary housing.
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