Annual Appeal

Empower Black, Indigenous and People of Color with your donation.

Help us provide financial aid to BIPOC professionals for Theraplay training and certification. We strive to bring diversity to our Practitioner population and the communities we serve because everyone deserves to experience the power of play.

“Less than 25% of the 200,000 therapists licensed in the United States identify as People of Color.”

Our 2022-2023 Impact

In the first year for our dedicated scholarship fund, we were able to provide scholarships totaling $4,650 for eight BIPOC mental health practitioners pursuing Theraplay training and certification.


Six received $2,900 towards Theraplay training.


Two received $1,750 towards Theraplay certification.

Apply for the BIPOC Scholarship

If you are looking to apply for the scholarship visit our BIPOC Scholarship page to learn more about the application process and current funding.

The Theraplay Institute provides professional training and certification in Theraplay, a dyadic child and family therapy that has been recognized by the Association of Play Therapy as one of the seminal psychotherapies for children.

View our 2021-2022 Annual Report for a detailed summary of our impact.

View Annual Report

Make a donation to our BIPOC Scholarship fund.


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