Suzanne Baruch Jackson

Child Psychotherapist and Supervisor
Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Teacher
Skarpnack, Sweden

Suzanne is a Certified Theraplay Practitioner and Supervisor-in-Training who is based in Stockholm, Sweden. She offers both virtual and in-person supervision.

For over 20 years Suzanne has worked at BUP child mental health clinics for the Stockholm local authority. During this period she focused on younger children and their families. This also included working with children with disabilities, both cognitive and physical.

Since 2020, she has been working both clinically and with education at Ericastiftelsen, a tertiary learning institute that also offers therapeutic treatment. Here her work includes supervision for students who are taking a child and adolescent psychotherapy program. 

Suzanne Baruch Jackson received her Bachelor’s degree at Bar-Ilan University, Israel in 1985 and gained certification as a Psychotherapist with a Child and Parental focus at Umea University, Sweden in 2008.

In 2016 she studied to become a Supervisor in Psychotherapy , at Karolinska Instititet, Stockholm, Sweden.  

Theraplay was introduced in Sweden in the early 2000s, and Suzanne was lucky enough to be able to participate in the introduction course at Umea University in 2003, the Intermediate course at Umea University in 2008, and finally became a Certified Theraplay Practitioner in 2012.

Having worked at child mental health clinics, Theraplay has always been a part of her everyday therapeutic work. She has found that Theraplay has been especially beneficial when working with children with physical and mental disabilities, and with their parents.  

Suzanne is fluent in both Swedish and English.

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Kristīne Maže


Kristīne Maže, MA, MEd, is a certified Theraplay® Practitioner, certified family psychotherapist, and certified supervisor, working in her private practice in Latvia. She received her MA in Family Ministry from Gordon – Conwell Theological Seminary, taught at the Latvian Baptist Seminary. She was a school teacher for 7 years before enrolling in the Systemic Family Psychotherapy training in Latvia and is certified there as a Psychotherapist. She received her Theraplay training in Latvia while extensively translating and supporting Theraplay trainings in Latvia since 2010. She has received her Masters in Pedagogy and qualification of Supervisor from Riga Stradiņš University and is a certified supervisor. Kristine and her husband have four children and are actively involved in their church. She can be reached at [email protected].

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Marike Obdam

MA in Psychology, certified Theraplay Practitioner, certified Nurture and Play Practioner and trained to be a supervisor and trainer in Theraplay. She works  in her own practice and at a mental health care institution in The Netherlands. She is working with kids and their families and specializes in attachment issues and trauma. Marike can be reached at [email protected]

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Leanne Dijkstra-de Neijs

I’m Leanne Dijkstra-de Neijs from the Netherlands. That is where I got my down to earth work ethos. But I’m also Indonesian, which is where I got my strong family orientated bonds. Originally I schooled to be a nurse. During my last nursing internships at a children’s home I learned that there was so much I did not know yet, so I decided to continue my studies at the Radboud University Nijmegen to become a child psychologist. After working with children for several years it dawned on me how strangely it was to be mostly talking to them and through that expecting that things would get better. When knowing that play is children’s natural language. So, I went back to the University to learn about playtherapy. This was an immediate fit for me and my view at therapy for children. A few years later I was given the opportunity to transfer to an expertise center for autism within my company. Here I learned so much more on systemic working and parent-child relation/interaction problems due to underlying classifications. Soon, individual playtherapy was not enough to my experience within this environment. That’s when I got introduced to Theraplay. And although Theraplay is not specifically indicated for families with ASD, it originated from it in its early days. Practice based we saw huge positive changes between children with ASD and their parents. Seeing and hearing each other better, connecting in a more nurturing way and enjoying each others company again instead of just surviving through the days. We were so enthusiastic about these results and wanted to share our findings with others. But to do so, they needed to be reliable. That’s where my ongoing PhD trajectory originated. As can be read, I love to learn, but I also love learning as an activity on itself. This is why I became a Theraplay trainer and supervisor. Through the above, I hope to contribute in a small way to a warm and engaged world which, in my opinion starts in every individual familie.

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Erika Heinen-Lamboo

Erika is a certified mental health psychologist and certified as a orthopedagoog-generalist, has worked for seven years at various high schools as a school psychologist and nine years at a youth and family care organization. She worked a lot with foster families and traumatized children.  

In April 2013, she completed the level 1 Theraplay® training and started doing Theraplay mostly with foster families. She is a fully certified Theraplay Practitioner since September 2015 and started besides her work at the youth and family care organization a private practice to do more Theraplay with various children and their parents. She’s also focusing to use Theraplay with very young children and their parents as a prevention program.

Erika is currently a Theraplay Supervisor. She can be reached at: [email protected]

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Marja Appel

Marja is a certified mental health psychologist and certified as a orthopedagoog-generalist. She has been working therapeutically with children and parents individually for 10 years in the Netherlands. She uses multiple approaches, Play Therapy, Symboldrama therapy (Leuner), Videofeedback team coaching (Heijkoop), EMDR, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She is Trainer and Supervisor in the post-graduate training Play Therapy as well. Marja works in a small psychiatric treatment centre for children 5-12 years old, as a clinical director.  She also has her own practice were she does a lot of attachment and trauma work. Marja is a consultant for the Centre of Consulting and Expertise. She helps professionals to solve the very severe problems of children and adults in residential care, schools, or families.

Since 1983 she is specialist in the field of developmental and intellectual disabilities and brain injury; she worked in several residential care institutions for children and adults. She did a lot of projects to help with the transition to normal community-based living and wrote a book “Groeien naar gelijkwaardigheid” in 1992 about this subject (the book was translated in German language). After finishing her Play Therapy training, it was a challenge for her to develop therapeutic options for children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. She wrote a chapter about Play Therapy with intellectually disabled children in a manual for Play Therapy, Spel in psychotherapie 2010.

Marja was certified as a Theraplay® Practitioner in 2011.  She can be contacted: [email protected]

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Camilla Gravgaard Birkler

Camilla is a Certified Theraplay® Practitioner and Supervisor living and practicing in Esbjerg, Denmark. Since she became a psychologist in 2002 she has been working with children (and their families) with complex trauma. She uses multiple approaches (Play Therapy, Sandplay, EMDR, Storytelling, Systemic family therapy and Neuroaffective Psychotherapy). Camilla is beside Theraplay trained in Play Therapy and EMDR. Camilla has her own private practice in Esbjerg. For 15 years she has also worked at the local treatment centre for children, youngsters, and their families. They have specialized in treating clients with complex trauma history and serious attachments difficulties. They also has an important role as consultants for the local department of Social Service. Camilla also educates and supervises professionals around the Danish country. Contact info: [email protected]

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Linda Stam

SKJ Registered Social Worker

Certified Theraplay® Practitioner,  Associate Theraplay Trainer and  Theraplay Supervisor in training. Linda has also did the DDP level 1 training and completed a Post-Graduate Certificate as a Child and Youth Therapist. Linda works as a social worker in a psychiatric treatment center for children with low IQ in the age of 5-12 years where she provides parent consulting. And she works as a Theraplay Practitioner in a policlinical psychiatric setting for youth in the age of 5-18 years old. Linda provides advice, guidance and consultation to parents and has experience in working with adoptive parents and foster parents, parents with low IQ and parents with autism. Her clinical experience includes helping children with trauma through abuse and neglect as well as children with autism. As an Associate Trainer she was co-trainer for the level I Theraplay Training  in The Netherlands since 2015 and is a Associate Theraplay Supervisor in training since 2016. Linda can be reached at [email protected].

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Bettie Sleeuw

received her Master’s degree as a developmental psychologist at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands and completed a post-graduate training as a parental therapist. She has worked in several institutions as a psychologist for children and adults with special needs and is specialized in children with autism and low IQ. For several years she worked in a child psychiatric clinical and daycare centre and at the moment she has a private practice, where she provides Theraplay, parent consulting and psychological assessments.  She became one of the first certified Theraplay® Practitioners in the Netherlands and spends a lot of time promoting Theraplay in her country. Bettie is a certified Theraplay Practitioner, Trainer and Supervisor and also country representative for TTI in the Netherlands. Bettie can be reached at [email protected].

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Marianne Koole


in Orthopedagogiek and Educational studies, is a certified Theraplay Practitioner and Supervisor, and trained to be a Theraplay trainer. She works at a mental health care institution in Delft, the Netherlands. She specializes in Infant Mental Health, trauma and attachment issues. Marianne is married and has two daughters and a son. You can reach Marianne at [email protected]

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